Saturday, March 16, 2013

Being Beautiful Modestly:)

Let's Talk Modesty....
Well, before anything I will start with myself...
Before I gave my life to Christ, I can honestly and openly say that I misused the gift that God has given me and used it for the world instead of His Glory. In other words, I wanted to be the next Beyoncé lol. I figured since I already had the voice, their was still something else missing -- "the image". I began to study the worldly trends and followed the sexually connotative image that most professional singers portray. If you're not familiar with the term "sex sales" then check the latest trends that the popular recording artists set for our society and you'll understand what I am talking about. Thank God that even then He had His hands on me because I didn't pass any forbidden boundaries that most of the popular artist cross. Simply because my Dad would NOT have that lol. But as you can see in some of the images that I posted on my page, you can see just how far it went and it pretty much didn't pass this point. However, even with the slightest piece of skin being revealed, was it pleasing to my Father in Heaven? Is it fair to my "husband to be" that my flesh was being looked upon by other "thirsty" men in the world?
Cute Huh? lol

 Ever since I was a little girl, I was always extra super in a GOOD way. I always stood out, even when I wasn't trying to. My elementary uniform was always decked out extra embellishments with feathers and whistles wrapped around them lol (Not really, but you get my point lol). Not only was my wardrobe very different, but my mindset didn't correlate with my generation. I can honestly say that I do love fashion then and even now. It was basically a way to express my individuality and what set me apart from others. Although I still have a passion for fashion, it's not the center of my life anymore and I had to give up that intense desire so that I wouldn't be distracted from what God has originally called me to do and be. And OH yeah, I was cute, but in these pictures, can't you tell that something was missing?

 Just like I did, you would think that your wardrobe really isn't a  big deal, and you may also say that God isn't going to judge us by our outer appearance because that is so very true. You also, make think that changing your appearance is changing who you are and is stripping your identity or liberties. That's not what God wants to do, He wants to transform all of you, not half of you. What it will do is display obedience to the Word of God. It will reflect a heart that is submitted to Him and a desire to dress “to the glory of God!”  And just a little advice from that faze in my life, don't allow the world to set your standards of dress!

What Does the Word Say About It?
1 Timothy 2:9-10
"And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or expensive clothes. For women who claim to devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do"
1 Peter 3
"Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes, you should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit(humble spirit), which is so precious to God"
--Now this doesn't mean that you have to wear long skirts that fall to your ankles or long sleeve turtle-necks, but what God is saying is that as women of God, especially in church, we must exude modesty so that everyone, primarily men but not excluding women in the church are focused solely on GOD and NOT YOU. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 8:13 So if what I eat causes my brother or sister to sin, I will never eat meat again as long as I live--for I don't want to cause another believer to stumble.
When I read this scripture, I wanted to go deeper to see what the meaning of meat was and what God was referring to when He says "meat".
Definitions of Meat:
  1. Dictionary meaning: food in general; anything eaten as nourishment; the flesh of animals used as food
  2. Biblical Definition: Being that the flesh(skin) on an animal is exposed--for example: a stray dog that has waddled in dirt, mud, and filth ; this image represents our fleshly nature, being dirty; the world, external, human effort,(standards, nature, etc.) perversion, sensual, worldly manner
  3. In the old Testament back in Genesis, God refers to meat as edible solid food, but in the New Testament the meaning has shifted to the external fleshly, worldly desires of a person.

Let's NOT repeat the sinful act's of Eve and prove the statistic against women in the Body of Christ to be wrong... You definitely don't want to end up in Eve's position when the enemy tricked her into eating the apple which led to Adam repeating this sin. Then when God confronted Adam, all fingers pointed to Eve. If you open even the slightest hole in a window for the enemy to slip through to kill, steal and destroy, he will definitely will take advantage of the opportunity and set you up to fall just like Eve did. And referring to wardrobe, you'll be the blame for someone else's fall.
As women of God, we not only should exude modesty and shift the perception of our next generation of young women in the churches, but also outside of church.
  • As the Lord says in 1 Peter 1:16 "For it is written "Be holy,  for I am holy".
  • Also in Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in His image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.
  • Ephesians 4:24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
  • Titus 2:7 And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.
  • Romans 12:2 (NLV) Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (KJV) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God)
As women we must set the example for other young women and little girls that are still lost and far away from the gospel. As women, it is obvious that we all want to be cute and express our individuality through our outer appearance (makeup,shoes,jewelry,clothing). But as Queens in the Kingdom of God we must be role model's for those that God is trying to reach and today we can start with our clothing. In Psalms 31:22, she wears the finest linens and silks. Basically, she looks good, which specifies that God has no problem with us looking nice. In my opinion, if Jesus were to come tomorrow, then you'll already be dressed in your best in which would represent your wedding gown (as the Bride) to prepare for your marriage with Jesus, your Groom:) 
Instead, my desire is to challenge you, my gorgeous sisters in the Lord, to reevaluate what God's word says concerning modesty. Many times we seem to be asking, "How much can I get away with before it is considered a sin?" "How  many articles of clothing may I shed before it's considered wrong?" "How tight is too tight?" How low is too low?" Instead my question to you today is "What is God's best?" And not only that, but ask yourself, what is my motive for wearing a tight dress, a cropped shirt that reveals my belly button ring and stomach, tight booty shorts that guides the eye towards our womanly possession, or wearing a see-through shirt that barely overs the prize that God is saving for my husband. Ask yourself, Am I wearing the finest jewelry to make my sister jealous of my "allusion" of wealth, or even dressing seductive or provocative to entice my brother,  am I dressing myself in flashy garments to "compete" with my sister? or even to wear flattering clothes to disguise my insecurities? am I trying to impress a guy that I like or the God that loves me? What is your motivation?
Start with these questions and if you are doing any of these things to intentionally offend anyone or even God, ask for forgiveness and ask God to change your motives, transform your heart and mind to be set apart from the world's ways.
My Beautiful Sisters-- 
Let us repent of our selfish desires and turn to the Lord with a humble and contrite heart and may the God of mercy grant us pardon for our worldly and selfish desire to dress contrary to the glory of God.
Take a step back and let us re-evaluate our wardrobe then take a second look in the mirror to make sure your outer appearance is pleasing to God.

 We are Queens so let us wear the crown and be the positive influence to many women across the nation.

We were born into a Royal Family so let's act like Royalty!

Who said that you can't be modestly beautiful?
God is still working on me everyday, but I think I'm off to a great start. I pray that you do that same:)
Be Blessed.Be Beautiful.&Be the Queen that God created you to be
Love you,

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