Turn Hearts Not Heads

"What defines you? WHO ARE YOU? Does your clothes define you? Is it your makeup, wealth, lifestyle, status, boyfriend, getting a college degree, your job, your children...success?? Okay, what about your outer appearance? Do you look in the mirror and wish, hope and prat that your face looked better? Do you ask God "why did you make my nose that way?" Or would you rather hide/conceal who you truly are in material things? Or the very person who you perceive yourself to be is defined in your status? Be encouraged my Sister in Christ, who you are and how you were created makes you YOU, if something was altered you would lose your individuality and you wouldn't be able to identify yourself in a crowd of people who would look just like you, but in all reality, who you are is on the inside, the true you lives on the inside and cannot be defined in all of the things that I've mentioned before! Behind all of that is a beautiful, creative, artistic, funny, courageous, cool person! And that's what makes you YOU! YOU ARE AMAZING no matter what, and nothing and no one can change that!

Turn Hearts Not Heads is a movement that challenges young women to turn the heart of man back to Christ instead of becoming an idol that distracts his focus. This movement is determined to encourage women to be set apart, be an example, and to become more familiar with who they are in Christ. It is also meant to encourage them to be clothed in strength and dignity, by avoiding the ambition to Turn Heads but to Turn Hearts back to Christ.

Our mission is to draw women closer to God so that they may be a monument for others to follow. By being a light in the female community it draws those that can't see where they are going and allows them to envision their significant role in the Body of Christ. This platform is generally used to diminish conformity and heighten the voice of God over the image that society depicts a women should be.

The ministry is also to encourage young women to shift their focus back to the Father by allowing their inner beauty to shine and prevent them from being consumed by their outer appearance. It is to help establish and guide young women to be one with Christ by being modest in their appearance and not allowing their exterior to consume them. It is also to encourage them that we can still be beautiful modestly with fashion and style!

It is to say that as women we can still be a show-stopper, however, allowing our inner beauty to be brought to center stage. By being obedient to the Word of God, it will reflect a heart that is submitted to Him and a desire to dress "to the glory of God!". In that, we must remember that our beauty begins on the inside. However, do we even see it? Can you see the beauty on the inside? Or have we hid it with so much stuff that will fade?

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