Thursday, February 6, 2014

God Can Turn Broken Pieces into Masterpieces

Everything that has gone on in your life thus far, no matter the extremity, is truly valuable, and to be remembered only as a stepping stone through grace towards your bright destiny. Although it may be difficult to understand, your testimony is valuable and supports the purpose and calling that God has claimed over your life. When your father left you when you were just a little girl, it was as if he was rejecting you as his child, and you felt unwanted, you felt unloved, you were broken, it hurt and now you unconsciously reject men in your life now. What about the time when you were sexually abused, you felt attacked, sick to your stomach, useless, hurt, scared, and restless. No matter the situation, your life is a physical map that God wants to use to help someone else. At times, we are selfish, and would rather not share our trials and tribulations, sometimes we'd rather not face the same heart-breaking past. But with release, comes deliverance, and with deliverance comes healing. By sharing your reality, it will not only heal you from that disaster, but will save another. It will bring unspeakable comfort to another person, for them just to know that everything will be okay and that all things, no matter the extent, works together for the good of those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:28). God needs you, and someone else out there does too. Don't allow the enemy to silence your voice that will bring healing to the nations. But allow God to speak life through you to birth out life into others. I know you're scared, and I know that it's hard, but here comes selflessness, here comes that love that God is commanding us to give and express to others.

Regardless of how embarrassed we may feel, our healing and restoration comes along during the process. And you say to God, "I am not strong enough to reveal and express my past".....

And not only that, but He says that you can do ALL things through Him who gives you strength. When you can't speak, He will speak for you, when you can't pray, He will pray for you, when you can't go on any longer, He will pick you up and carry you to your destination. Sometimes we blame God for our circumstance, and at times we even question His Will. Sometimes we even walk away from Him because of the hurt, and we also force ourselves to think that God was never there or He should have prevented the situation from happening.  But in all actuality sis, God was there the whole time, He said that He will never leave you nor forsake you and when you walk away He will still be in the same spot you left Him WAITING for you to turn back. He loves you and doesn't want you to hurt, He wants you to find peace and love in Him. I know this sounds cliche' but no matter what we just have to trust Him through it all and at times it may be difficult to trust an invisible God, but through your faith in Him you will prosper and peace will remain with you! God will sometimes place you in an impossible situation so that he can show you that he can make the impossible possible!

If everything was so perfect, would we even need a God to come and rescue us? If we have no purpose, what is the point of being here? If their is no test, then where will your testimony be? If their was no trial then what kind of conversations will you have with others?... what kind of burgers do you like? When you speak, and every time you speak, fruit should flow off of your tongue to plant into others, not burgers;) But in the same way, there are those who may not go through pain, because all of us are yet still born with purpose.

Most of the time, God is not the cause for bad things that surface in our lives and sometimes he will allow certain things to happen, but no matter what He is able to use all circumstances no matter good or bad, for our good if we allow Him. The same power of God that raised Jesus from the dead is capable of healing our physical and emotional wounds. And with that, in His infinite wisdom, God uses us to bring comfort, guidance, and healing to others who may have gone through or is currently going through the same challenging circumstance that we have experienced. Don't let your situation bind and break you, but let it build you into the person that God has always ordained, and therefore, predestined you to be. Don't see your past as a weakness, but as a step to make you stronger. Your pain is preparation for your purpose & your struggle is preparation for your purpose! Don't look at the situation, but look at the God who can bring you out of it! He is worthy to be praised for the good that will transpire from your challenges.You are victorious&therefore, others will be victorious!

Everything you have done and been through is valuable and important. In order to be who you are, to know what you know, to be where you are in this moment, you needed to go through what you went through - Iyanla Vanzant

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