Saturday, June 1, 2013

#ImageCheck Part 2

But what if it's the other way around, no one is blowing up your inbox and no one is hitting on you, no male interaction at all????

That's even better!
Because it shouldn't be your focus. I exposed my experience in #ImageCheck Part 1 hoping that someone would be able to relate. However, in this case, that only means that God has someone special for you. The ONE that God has ordained for your life will find you, but He can't find you if the light isn't increasing on the inside of you. In order for that special guy to find you, you have to give him something that will be a guide for him to find you! As you grow closer to God, God will allow your husband to grow closer to you. And with Jesus being the light of the world, (once you've established yourself in and with the Lord) "the light" being Jesus will increase it's intensity in you and will allow that "main man" to pursue you in becoming his wife! 

Think about an open flame in the dark that cannot be let out, it will allow you to see where you are and keep you from being blind in the dark. To keep your future husband from being blinded, which won't allow him to see you, get closer to the Father, make Him your Husband, and get prepared to be the best wife that you can be not only to God, but to your husband!:) He can't see you if you have nothing to guide him with. When you become a woman who is pure, who needs Jesus before man, a woman who can establish herself in the Lord, a woman who's main focus IS THE LORD, a woman with the power to heal, to set free those in bondage, a woman who sees herself as beautiful, a woman who has confidence in the Lord that she can do ALL things through Christ Jesus, a woman who is dedicated to the Kingdom, a woman who has set an example for others to follow, a woman who is GLOWING and has become the Guiding Light Of the World (G.L.O.W), a woman who knows she can make it with Jesus by her side, a woman with substance, pure, and Holy before the Lord, THEN HE WILL BE ABLE TO SEE YOU! How so? Because being a woman like this allows you to stand out from the rest, you have not become conformed by the worldly perception of what a woman should be, and simply because God will tell him when you are ready and then He will allow the veil to come over your face to be exposed by the one He created for you and ONLY YOU to be with!:) And yes, God created a man specifically for you! You will know he is the one not only because God will tell you, but by his appreciation,  love, admiration, and devotion for everything about you, even your flaws and at your worst moments. This man will be truthful, will walk with you hand in hand through every trial, every mistake, every fault. He will think you're beautiful when you feel like you're looking busted and disgusted and when you're looking like a woman on the cover of a magazine! YES! &He will be the one when you can "pass gas" and he won't think any less of you. (may be weird  but true) He will be the one who will understand you when you're on your menstrual cycle. He will be the missing piece to your puzzle, he will cherish you and serve you as God has instructed him to do. 

Ephesians 5: 25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her..

He will be the one that will grab you by the hand and say "baby, let's work this out", or "baby, let's pray about it", and of course "BABY, LET'S GET MARRIED!":)

But if your focus is so caught on locating where he is, or why guys aren't approaching you, or why you haven't gotten any attention you have to analyze where your focus is, is it penetrated on keeping tabs on if guys will hit on you or not, or is it on the Father whom will build you up so that your husband will find you? I remember my freshman year, the Lord had me in this season of separation, and when I tell you, NO ONE tried to hit on me, NO ONE at all, I began to think I was ugly, and really beat myself up about it because all of my friends were getting hit on and I was getting looked over! But as I got closer to the Lord, He began to show me that I don't need man's approval or any messages, or a guy to ask me out to confirm that I'm beautiful ! He says that there is no flaw in you and that you're fearfully and wonderfully created, in HIS IMAGE:) He wanted me to see that He was the one that I needed to find my true beauty,! 

In that time of separation He prepared me for "The One".... 

He taught me how to be a Proverbs 31 woman, He taught me how to love myself and Him before man. He enabled me to have a deeper understanding of Him and His word, I gained wisdom, and more knowledge! He is my teacher and I was the student preparing for a test. My love for Him increased like never before and He continued to love me dearly. The love that I have for Him became the love that I should have for my husband. He showed me who I am in Him and who He has created me to be in His Kingdom. He exposed me to my flaws and cleansed me from my sins. He delivered me from my past hurt and patched up any wounds that were left from past relationships. He set me free from my iniquities and made me as white as snow. And I then began to see the white dress because spiritually, I was clothed in it by becoming pure! He took away all soul ties so that I may be made for only one man that was to be my husband. He became my best friend  my lover, my Father, "THE" One for me until I became ready for "the one" that He ordained for me! 

He told me that my husband will find me and that I don't have to go searching...
Proverbs 18:22
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.
(NOT "SHE WHO FINDS HERSELF A HUSBAND!) Think about it, your husband has to work for you, he has to go through the storm, rain, sleet, and snow to find you. We're ladies, so do you really want to go through all of that? Because God clearly has freed you from that!!:p 

He also told me that many guys were intimidated by me, because I became a strong woman in the Lord, unapproachable, because they felt like they weren't worthy. This could very be where you are, because many guys are afraid of rejection, their afraid to approach such a beautiful spirit and a beautiful woman of God such as yourself, their intimidated by the light so much that they don't know how to approach you!:) Find peace in the Lord in this situation and allow Him to be transformed into the amazing woman of God that you already are!:) 

Ever felt like you saw your life flash right before your eyes, and then you're 24, not married, single and yet everyone around you is getting married and having babies?
It's like your cousin just got married, your best friend is getting married tomorrow, your mama just got engaged for the second time around and your enemy just started dating again. Did it start making you feel old, left out and lonely?


But if you really think about it, you're already married, (well, you're supposed to be) because right now in this time, at this very moment, whenever you started feeling this way... God wants you to Himself! You should already have a ring on your finger declaring that you're married to Him in this season, and until you see that, He will then release your Husband to find you. The Lord said Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and He will give you the desires of your heart, but you must kill your flesh and ask the Lord for the Holy Spirit to rise up and overwhelm you so that your flesh has no room to intervene with what God is trying to do with you in this season!:) God knows what you desire to have and He also knows what you need, but He won't give you what you need and want until you give Him what He wants from you! And that's YOU! He wants you to stay focused on Him and make Him the Man of your life! Because unlike any regular man, He will NEVER fail you, NEVER hurt you, and He also promised that He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!

 You should never feel lonely because God is right by your side,! I have been where you are, but I am here to tell you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, and you can make it through this time of separation! But don't allow yourself to remain stagnant in this season, you have to focus on Him, don't lose sight, and never get distracted,! After you stand strong in this, you will begin to see God opening doors for you,! And eventually He will bless you with the desires of your heart:) i.e YOUR HUSBAND *winkwink ;)

Ask yourself and be honest, 
Do you think that if you were to meet your husband today, would you be suitable for him? Do you really believe that you're spiritually, emotionally, physically ready for him? Do you feel that where you are now as dirty, unclean, impure, and yet still in the world is what your husband needs? Do you think that he deserves that? Because if you love him the way you ought to be, would you give him your scraps or will you be developed into the amazing woman of God that he truly deserves? Do you want him to be with someone who is still battling with past hurt that will eventually tear your future relationship apart? Do you want him to be with someone who is still having trust issues that are more likely to damage a marriage? Don't you think he deserves a woman that can cook, clean, and is likely to take care of a home, herself, along with the kids? (Proverbs 31) Do you think he deserves a woman who have had a past of promiscuity and still hasn't been set free from the soul ties? Don't you think he needs a woman who has started over in the Lord? Who do you think he deserves? Do you think your husband deserves a woman in the world or someone who has been cleansed and made pure and holy before the Lord? Save yourself before your marriage has to be saved! Just like you're preparing for Jesus's next coming, you have to be prepared for your husband's big arrival. And God isn't going to release him until you have your duckies in a row! Simply because your husband is God's child as well, so God is only looking out for your husband and protecting from any woman who could potentially be a threat to his life and walk in the Lord. If you love him, you would get it right so that you can be made a precious gift rather than a curse!!!

Remember, God is madly in love with you
love you-

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