Monday, August 18, 2014

Were You There?

Robin Williams
July 21, 1951- August 11, 2014

This situation reminds me of the song that I use to sing in church---

"Were you there when they crucified my Lord, Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree, Were you there when the stone was rolled away....."

Now let me be totally clear, I am not at all saying that Mr. Robin Williams is Jesus. But the reality is is that his situation, along with many others, are somewhat similar. Their circumstances may not have been at the extremity of what Jesus Christ went through but they have some connection. 

How? Well let's start with our Lord and Savior....

Were you there when they nailed Jesus to the tree? Were you there rooting for Him, or were you putting Him on the cross? If you were physically there, would you be spiritually aware that what was happening was wrong? And if so, would you have done something about it? Or would you allow fear to consume you and keep you from standing up for the One who gave His life for you? What is justice? Is justice a physical fight or a spiritual battle that can be diffused by you and I? And if you were there with Jesus, watching Him go through a spiritual battle, would you have fought for Him? Or would you be like the ones in the crowd that assume because Jesus is the Son of God, He can totally take Himself off of the cross? Yes, God was there, but He was waiting for somebody to stand out of the crowd to fight for His Son. He wanted to see if someone would be bold. Someone who would intercede for Jesus. Even in the mist of our enemies, He wanted to see if you could let the fear of what man may say, think, or even do to you go and fight for Jesus....

In Robin Williams case...

He was a comedian/actor who managed to bring joy into someone else's life, but did not have the ability to maintain it in his heart. Due to this, he drowned in depression and committed suicide. 

Who was there beside him? Were you there with him? Who was there encouraging him, rooting for his life, and leading him to Christ? God was there with him, but someone who God wanted to use to help him was out of position and therefore, God couldn't get through to him.

Brothers and Sisters, we all have a calling and a mission on earth to lead the lost souls back to Christ, but he didn't have that opportunity to know who Christ was because someone was out of position. Someone was too afraid to intercede on his behalf. And many of us have become so blinded with the assumption that he was okay because he basically had "everything he wants and needs right"? Who wouldn't be happy? He had the career of his dreams, money, cars, and clothes. THE WHOLE NINE HARD! But quite frankly, none of that will not get you into heaven. None of these material things we call "happiness" will ever bring you happiness without the love of God. Fame and fabulosity is great, but will never be able to fill those empty voids. I can agree that they can make you happy for the moment but not for a lifetime. However, I know someone who can. And that's JESUS!:) Material things didn't give its life for Robin and others just like him, and it surely can't love him like Jesus can!

Have we forgotten our role in the body?  Have we been limiting ourselves behind church walls? Do you really think that all the gifts and talents that god has given you is strictly for the people who already know about Jesus? What about the ones who have not even thought about stepping foot in the church? I'm talking about the people in your neighborhood, in the store, at the mall, in the music business, politicians, business owners,...etc., etc.

We have to stop allowing an individuals outer appearance to get in the way of the reality that exists in their heart and mind! Who will take a stand for others? When will we get out of our selfish and judgmental ways and start looking for the best interest of others in need? I WILL, because I know what the Lord has done for me and I want someone else to know about Jesus, even if I have to make it to the top! Let's make Jesus famous so that those on high places and those that don't know Him can truly see who the real star is and be filled with the truth and knowledge of our Lord and Savior! Just like Jesus, don't ever assume that they are okay because of what they have. And do not assume that because they wear a smile in public, they keep it on at home.

You can try to pay for counselors, psychologist, or psychiatrist and still end up with a loss. A loss of money and a loss of light that could never brighten the darkness in your life. Want something free? Something that you can't pay for, something that you don't have to pay for? You don't have to pay for Jesus because His love is priceless. He paid the price for you so that you can have eternal life. He paid the bill already so that you can be free from sin and death. 

It should have brought him peace, and it should have saved his life,...let this be an example Believers,  let's get in our positions and save a life! Let's become more aware of what someone else needs so that these cases can become more irrelevant!

Chat with you soon,

Taylor Simon:)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Waiting for the Promise

Dearly Beloved,

This morning during my quiet time, I read the story of Sarai (Sarah) and Abram. Sarah, as well as her husband was growing old in age and eventually grew blind to the thought of being able to naturally conceive a child. Her sight was wounded and therefore her faith in the promise of having a child grew thin. She literally was like "God how long are you going to make me wait? I'm not getting any younger, what's the hold up, and why am I waiting so long? Aint nobody got time for that!" lol (in so many words) So due to her doubt and growing frustration, she took matters into her own hands and it eventually grew into something that God never intended to be in His plans for her life.

Genesis 16: 1-2
Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; so she said to Abram, "The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her."

Have you been waiting on something so long that you literally would do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to get it? Like, you would go through drastic measures because you're so desperate to receive the thing that you can not wait for any longer. Are you waiting for a man, or a career, a baby? 

Speaking from my own experiences....WAITING IS HARD!!!!
Especially if you have seen the vision, God has shown you the dreams, He would sometimes give you the plans to write down. I had a friend who would come up to me explaining that she kept have countless dreams about a man that could very well be her husband and that he was looking for her. Now does that mean go out and look for him? NO! Because sometimes our desires can transpire into dreams that won't leave you alone due to the fact that you want it so bad. And because the enemy knows that you want it so bad, he will keep playing it over and over in your head until he eventually convinces you to move before God's timing. You surely don't want to awaken love before it's time, because that desire can put you with someone who may not even be your husband. And due to your impatient self, you're left stuck with someone who physically abuses you or cheats on you. 

Waiting is difficult especially if years have gone by and your expectations have not become your reality. Eventually your patience becomes thin and you become so desperate for the vision that you move before God's hand.

Sarah was literally fed up with waiting and basically took matters into her own hands. The consequences for her actions left her with baby mama drama, jealousy, hurt, and pride. And guess what? She had no one else to blame but herself because she moved ahead of God's timing.

God had a plan for Sarah. She was not forgotten. He had a plan to bless Abram and Sarai with their very own baby. A plan to bless the world through their offspring. Isaac (their child) would be the fulfillment of God's promise to them. That plan was definitely worth the wait.

Sis, God's plans are worth the wait. His plans are perfect. He has plans to prosper and make you into a great nation. He has plans "that will make you thrive and not be knocked down by life's setbacks" (Jeremiah 29:11-13). You may be tempted to take matters into your own hands, thinking that God is just "a little late". But don't risk God perfect intentions for you, by relying on your own schemes and plans. Wait for that promotion, be patient for that husband, wait for that career. Why must you wait you ask? God wants to build character in you, He wants to strengthen your faith in Him, He was to mature you in certain areas, and He wants to prepare you for the promise. You don't want to go into the promise with fear, doubt, and things that would prevent you from thriving in the promise. 

Side Note: My Pastor once told me that if I had the opportunity to meet TD Jakes or Tyler Perry and had nothing prepared or in hand to present to them, I wouldn't be ready for the door to be opened to me. I would need to get things in order naturally and spiritually before that promise was to be made available to me. You need to be ready so that when the time comes for God to open that door for you, you won't have anything holding you back from moving forward! So take joy in the preparation process. God wants His children to be fully equip when walking into the promised land!

Waiting for God's perfect timing can save you from years of heartbreak and turmoil! God has not forgotten about you, He is actually behind the scenes preparing the way for you. Remember, God is faithful and always keeps His promises....even if you have to wait! 

P.S God has three answers to your prayers, yes, not yet, or I have something greater in mind! :)