Robin Williams
July 21, 1951- August 11, 2014
This situation reminds me of the song that I use to sing in church---
"Were you there when they crucified my Lord, Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree, Were you there when the stone was rolled away....."
Now let me be totally clear, I am not at all saying that Mr. Robin Williams is Jesus. But the reality is is that his situation, along with many others, are somewhat similar. Their circumstances may not have been at the extremity of what Jesus Christ went through but they have some connection.
How? Well let's start with our Lord and Savior....
Were you there when they nailed Jesus to the tree? Were you there rooting for Him, or were you putting Him on the cross? If you were physically there, would you be spiritually aware that what was happening was wrong? And if so, would you have done something about it? Or would you allow fear to consume you and keep you from standing up for the One who gave His life for you? What is justice? Is justice a physical fight or a spiritual battle that can be diffused by you and I? And if you were there with Jesus, watching Him go through a spiritual battle, would you have fought for Him? Or would you be like the ones in the crowd that assume because Jesus is the Son of God, He can totally take Himself off of the cross? Yes, God was there, but He was waiting for somebody to stand out of the crowd to fight for His Son. He wanted to see if someone would be bold. Someone who would intercede for Jesus. Even in the mist of our enemies, He wanted to see if you could let the fear of what man may say, think, or even do to you go and fight for Jesus....
In Robin Williams case...
He was a comedian/actor who managed to bring joy into someone else's life, but did not have the ability to maintain it in his heart. Due to this, he drowned in depression and committed suicide.
Brothers and Sisters, we all have a calling and a mission on earth to lead the lost souls back to Christ, but he didn't have that opportunity to know who Christ was because someone was out of position. Someone was too afraid to intercede on his behalf. And many of us have become so blinded with the assumption that he was okay because he basically had "everything he wants and needs
Have we forgotten our role in the body? Have we been limiting ourselves behind church walls? Do you really think that all the gifts and talents that god has given you is strictly for the people who already know about Jesus? What about the ones who have not even thought about stepping foot in the church? I'm talking about the people in your neighborhood, in the store, at the mall, in the music business, politicians, business owners,...etc., etc.
We have to stop allowing an individuals outer appearance to get in the way of the reality that exists in their heart and mind! Who will take a stand for others? When will we get out of our selfish and judgmental ways and start looking for the best interest of others in need? I WILL, because I know what the Lord has done for me and I want someone else to know about Jesus, even if I have to make it to the top! Let's make Jesus famous so that those on high places and those that don't know Him can truly see who the real star is and be filled with the truth and knowledge of our Lord and Savior! Just like Jesus, don't ever assume that they are okay because of what they have. And do not assume that because they wear a smile in public, they keep it on at home.
You can try to pay for counselors, psychologist, or psychiatrist and still end up with a loss. A loss of money and a loss of light that could never brighten the darkness in your life. Want something free? Something that you can't pay for, something that you don't have to pay for? You don't have to pay for Jesus because His love is priceless. He paid the price for you so that you can have eternal life. He paid the bill already so that you can be free from sin and death.
It should have brought him peace, and it should have saved his life,...let this be an example Believers, let's get in our positions and save a life! Let's become more aware of what someone else needs so that these cases can become more irrelevant!
Chat with you soon,
Taylor Simon:)