Thursday, December 5, 2013

You're Forgiven

One night as I was on my walk spending time with the Lord, He began to speak to me, &told me that whatever you've done in the past or present, whatever mistakes you've made He will make them into a blessing, He will fix them&will make your wrong into a right as if your wrong was never there!, sometimes I beat myself up about even the minor mistakes I've made or continue to make, I would think that I failed Him, or that He would be disappointed in me, but He told me that I am forgiven and that my mistakes only opens the door for Him to make it right&receive the glory, when we make mistakes, it should remind us of how much we need Him, how we aren't so perfect, & that we have a perfect God that wants to fix our mistakes, and use them to receive the glory! If we don't make any mistakes, how can we grow, how can He use us if we are doing things right all of the time, (if we were, would we really need Him if we knew everything?..but we don't), &being that He is perfect, He is the only one that can make things right, so don't worry, or bother yourself about it, God is working on your behalf!:) Be grateful that He uses our mistakes as a tool to teach us a lesson that would then allow us to grow! WOW! God is good! Thank you God for being so understanding, forgiving&for loving me so much to sharpen the spiritual gifts, talents, and tools that you've given me to extend your Kingdom!

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